Dry Needling Joondalup
The team at Arena Joondalup Physiotherapy are fully trained in the usage of dry needling techniques that complement the rest of your treatment plan. Using hair-thin filament needles, we address the soft tissues of the body to relieve musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction. In dry needling, the same needles are used as in traditional acupuncture, but principles of western medicine are applied rather than oriental medicine.
Trigger Point Dry Needling
If myofascial trigger points are present, the needles can be used to deactivate the muscle from spasm. This method involves a needle inserted directly to the trigger point, possibly with manipulation to further decrease spasm. It is usually applied closely to the area the pain is present.
Dry Needling Plus
Dry needling plus, or DNP, is a form of dry needling that involves specific tissues. They’re identified by a skilled assessment of the tissues. These techniques used a needle inserted into deep connective tissues and applied lightly on a limb. The needles may have a wide insertion, often some distance from the area of pain. It’s highly effective in alleviating musculoskeletal pain, widespread, chronic pain and neural restrictions. Clients also report improved sleeping after the use of DNP techniques.
Want to Learn More?
If you’re ready to schedule your appointment, contact our team today. We offer convenient late opening hours and have Saturday visits!